
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

VMware vCloud Suite makes Software Defined Data-centers a Reality!!

In one of my previous posts I wrote about VMware vSphere 5.1 - What's new with this version?, however now it is time to talk about VMware's vCloud Suite which was launched at VMworld 2012, San Francisco. As you might have heard it was the most comprehensive release of VMware or for that matter any software vendor which enables Cloud Computing. However, this has just been beefed up further by VMware with the announcements made at VMworld 2012 Barcelona.

VMware with its innovative products around the Infrastructure, Application and End User layer has been helping the customers with creative solutions to take care of technology and business issues. However, with the birth of vCloud Suite, VMware has just solved the puzzle by bringing together all the pieces and create a complete picture of how a Comprehensive, Multi-Platform, Multi-Cloud Service Provisioning & Management solution should look like.

Pheww... that sounds a lot right? But yeah, its true... With all its acquisitions and new product developments,  VMware created some confusion in the market place. This confused state of mind was because of the fact that a few people and organizations could not really understand the vision of where VMware is going. This vision, however was much bigger, and way ahead of a lot of claiming competitors, as this really transforms the term cloud computing into a Software Defined Data-center. 

Without further a-do let me give you a high level overview of what VMware has to offer with its vCloud Suite and how it will change the dynamics of the Virtualization & Cloud Industry.

To begin with, lets see what all VMware vCloud Suite has to offer in its new Avatar..

vCloud Suite 5.1 (Announced at VMworld 2012, San Francisco)

A lot of VMware customers and partners looked at this suite and said WOW, this makes sense. And if all of this functionality comes together in a package then I would want it. However, there were questions around the future of this Suite as there was still a huge acquisition which did not show up on this suite. Yup, DYNAMIC OPS, if you are new to this affair then read the acquisition announcement on this link...

It was not too late before the Virtualization and Cloud community got the answer to this question. Not even 2 months and VMware unveiled a beefed up version of its vCloud Suite 5.1 yesterday at VMworld 2012 in Barcelona.

Yup, if the features which are mentioned in the picture above were not enough for you and you wanted more, then I can bet the next picture would "Sweep you off your Feet". Lets see what the vCloud Suite 5.1 looks like now. The Orange boxes in the image show the changes from the previous announcement.

vCloud Suite 5.1 (Re-Announced at VMworld 2012, Barcelona)

Well that Suite is certainly way more than what I expected. Talk about the the most enhanced hypervisor, a proven cloud framework, software defined networking/security, application provisioning, disaster recovery, management capabilities & to top it all a provisioning solution which allows you to provision on  multiple-clouds and  multiple-platforms. I am sure this will suffice the needs of most of the cloud service providers, enterprise customers and the small and medium businesses which are looking towards adopting the Cloud.

One last thing, lets have a look at a block diagram which completes this picture. I got this one from office of the VMware CTO - Steve Herrod.

So get ready to get your data-centers revamped with the all new vCloud Suite and take a giant step forward towards the cloud with confidence.With this, I would close this article and would look forward to blog more on each individual piece and how it makes your data-center agile, automated and managed.

I would leave you with a few more links which would provide you more information on each of these building blocks:-


  1. Would this type of data center software sync with our application. It's called asset central, click here.

  2. @Mitch, Asset Central is an asset management tool, which usually keeps a track of the hardware life cycle in a datacenter. You can continue to use Asset Central, however I do not see a need for integration with vCloud Suite, because it manages the Virtualization Layer...

    vCloud Director and vCenter does have open APIs which can be leveraged for any type of 3rd party integration.

    Hope this helps..

  3. The Cloud management makes the task easy.The Cloud Management Software are not so worthy and you can buy these software easily.
