
Sunday, December 9, 2012

A blog series on "Basics of VMware Virtualization" - Share your opinion!!

The idea about this small survey came out of some numerous instances where, college freshers, people in the industry, professionals from other technology sectors etc. have asked me about learning VMware technology.

I have answered these questions in a different way every-time. For someone who was not as lucky as me to join VMware and learn the technology from some amazing colleagues and mentors, how do I create a platform from where they can start from scratch and work there way up to be at par with Certified Professionals. As tempting as it looks for someone who wants to lean, this will take some tremendous amount of work and late nights for me as an author.

In order to ensure that this idea makes sense and would benefit the TO BE VMware community, I would request you to attend this small survey with just 2 questions and let me know your opinion. 

Your response would matter a lot to me.

Here is the link:-

Thanks once again!!


  1. Hi, I have one query, On my Win 2k3 Server, installed VMware 7.0 workstation and installed Win XP and Win 2k8 in it, Win2k3 is on internet, and we have other network also, but not connected with internet.
    Internet network has 192 series ip and local has 207 series ip.
    Now I want to connect local network also thru VMWare, either on WinXP or Win2k8.
    Please guide , how I do that.

  2. Hi Pranay.. Though I am not a Workstation expert, but what I know is that if you need to get internet on the VM's created on the workstation, then you can go into the settings of the VM and on the network adapter, you can BRIDGE the network between your physical server and the virtual machines, which will now give the VM a route to the internet..

    For more I would recommend you to look at VMware communities on workstation and I am sure you would the answer.

    Best of luck!!
