
Saturday, August 31, 2013

"Dependency Missing" error while installing HP EVA Storage Replication Adapter!

Just a quick note about one of my recent experience while deploying SRM 5.1 at a customer's site. After setting up the vCenter and SRM server, I went ahead and tried installing the HP EVA SRA which was downloaded and kept by the customer.

For those who are not aware of what is a SRA and how it helps in configuration of SRM, please read the following document. You can also find the pre-requisites for installing the SRA on this page.

So as always, I read the pre-requisites and started with the installation. As soon as I started, I encountered the following error.

HP EVA Storage Replication Adapter
Dependency Missing
"VMware SRM is not installed. Please install SRM before installing HP EVA Storage Replication Adapter"

Believe me SRM was installed and the service was running. I tried this a number of times but failed miserably. The SRA version which I was trying to install was:-

Release Date: 2012-06-06

After trying all the options, I went ahead and downloaded the SRA myself. The issue was right there. The version available for 5.1 was different:-

Release Date: 2012-09-10

Well then I noticed that SRAs for every minor release is different. The worst part is that you do not get any errors pertaining to the version of the SRA but a weird message that the SRM is not installed. I learnt my lesson the hard way. Hope this helps you from falling in the illusion created by that error message.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pocket Size Magic for Designing your vSphere Infrastructure. Pre-order your copy now!!

A few weeks back PernixData (A flash virtualization OEM) came up with a project to author a community book which speaks about the most important vSphere Design Considerations. PernixData has recently launched there flagship product named PernixData FVP which will act as a Flash Storage for VMware Infrastructure. The idea behind this book was to get the best brains in the industry to share the vSphere Best Practices which should be considered while designing a VMware Infrastructure. Each design consideration mentioned in this book is “Tweet-Sized”, i.e. just 140 characters around the following areas of the vSphere Platform:-

-           Host design
-          Cluster design
-          vCenter design
-          Networking and Security design
-          Storage design

I participated in this community book and I am glad to inform that some of my suggested “Design Considerations” are selected and included in this book. The book is already published and will be distributed at VMworld2013 by PernixData.

Availability of the book at VMworld

If you would like a hard-copy of the book (and to meet some of the contributors), you can get this from the PernixData Booth (#2011). It will be exclusively available there from 4 pm to 5 pm every day.

Not at VMworld?

If you cannot make it to the VMworld 2013 or PernixData Booth, you can pre-order an electronic copy of the vSphere Design book here.

Want to know who all contributed?

Refer to the following post by Frank Denneman  - Announcing the vSphere Design Pocketbook Contributors