
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

vSphere Design Pocket Book - Grab your free e-copy now!

A few days back I wrote about the vSphere Design Pocket Book being available for a pre-order in this article - Pocket Size Magic for Designing your vSphere Infrastructure. Pre-order your copy now!!

The book is now available for download and you can get a free e-copy through this link - Register and Download vSphere Design Pocket Book.

So go ahead, download your copy and find out how you can design your vSphere environment efficiently using the words of wisdom.

To read more about the release, refer to the following article written by Frank Denneman (The mastermind behind this community book) - Free ebook version of the vSphere Design Pocketbook is available now

Special thanks to PernixData for sponsoring this book. Follow them on Twitter to know more about what they have to offer.

Share and Spread the Knowledge. 

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