
Friday, July 3, 2015

Alvida India! Ni hao Singapore! - Change is the only thing constant.

If you are wondering that why you do not see any action on vXpress, then you can blame me and no one else. I think I should NOT give you the excuse of the BIG CHANGE which has happened in my life, rather our life (my family). I am happy to share that VMware has given me an opportunity to widen my horizons by moving into a new role and a new country. Yes, you heard it right!

I have moved to VMware Singapore and have taken up the role of a Senior Consultant with the ASEAN Professional Services at VMware. With a strong 30+ member team of Consultants, TAMs, Architects and Management, I would be responsible to deliver professional services portfolio for VMware customers in the entire ASEAN region. While, I am extremely excited and humbled by the opportunity provided by my employer, I am equally looking at contributing to the VMware community by sharing the experiences I would gain out of the large services engagements which I would be involved in. 

It is my third day in Singapore and I am already in love with the country. Needless to say that I miss my colleagues, relatives and friends in India, but as someone has said, "The only thing which is Constant in life, is CHANGE". 

I hope that explains why I was missing from the blogging seen... However, as I said before, this would not be an excuse but an opportunity for me to take a break, refresh my cache and blog away all my Virtual experiences as I have done in the past.

Would need all your support and best wishes for this change which I am enjoying so far......

Stay tuned for more on vXpress!!