
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Announcement : Welcome 2016 with a vROps Webinar Series

Let me begin with wishing you and your loved ones a Happy and a Prosperous 2016. The year 2015 has been great fun around the blogging arena, however a constant feedback which I have received from my readers has been around learning more about vRealize Operations Manager. While readers enjoy the benefit of replicating the dashboards in there environments within a few minutes, I think it would be useful if they learn about vRealize Operations as a holistic solution to manage their Virtual Infrastructure, Cloud Environments or the entire Software Defined Datacenter (SDDC).

The above requirement triggered the idea of a vROps Webinar Series which would be a set of live webcasts on different topics around vRealize Operations Manager open to public to attend live or view the recorded sessions later.

The credit behind this idea goes to the conversation which I had with Simon Eady back in December. Simon is currently working for Xtravirt as a Senior consultant and can usually be found on twitter @simoneady. He is a co-author of a popular blog on Virtualization & Cloud ( In his current role, he has been instrumental with delivering a number of engagements on vRealize Operations Manager. 

We thought that we need to uncover some great use cases which we have been delivering for customers and share them with anyone who is interested in learning about vROps. Let me list down the basic rules of this series so that you can hook on to this and can learn more about vROps:


A series of webcasts on vRealize Operations Manager 6.x, helping you learn about anything and everything about the solution. Some of the examples include, vROps Policies, Alert Definitions, Automated Action Framework, integration to third party etc. This would include power point and live demonstrations. The session would range anywhere between 60 to 90 minutes.


We plan to do 12 sessions this year, one for each month. We target to deliver this in a timezone which is suitable for most of the regions, however it is impossible to cover the entire world. To solve this we would use the recording capabilities of WebEx and share these sessions via our blogs. We would run this on every 3rd Friday of the month.


While this session is open for anyone and everyone, the people who would really benefit out of this would be Administrations, Consultants, Architects, Support Professionals etc. The idea is to make you a pro so that you can share the goodness of vROps.


This would be a WebEx session where you can join as a participant. You can either dial-in using a toll-free number or get a call back from WebEx server. As a participant you would be muted to begin with and would be able to ask questions or contribute either via WebEx chat or audio during the Q&A session.


We will start with Simon and myself and will add more experts from the field as we move along in the year... 


As I mentioned earlier; Third Friday of this month i.e. 22nd January 2016. Here are the complete details:-

Event                    : vROps Webinar 2016

Topic                    : Part 1 : Building Self-Healing Environments                                                              with vRealize Operations Manager

Speakers               : Simon Eady & Sunny Dua

WebEx Link          : Join WebEx meeting

Save Calendar       : Click to Download & Save the Meeting Invite

So save that calendar invite and we will see you with the first installment. We will also share a short survey post the event for your feedback, as we want to ensure that we have your feedback to improve the series as we go into the year.

Sharing of this article is highly appreciated because Knowledge Increases By Sharing :-)

1 comment:

  1. We have developed a adapter pack for vCOps 5.8 and Also developed a management pack for vROps 6.1.
    Now how can we restrict a user to install vCOPs 5.8 pack on vROps 6.1 environment?
