
Monday, April 11, 2016

vROps Webinar 2016 - Announcing Part 4 : Contention Based Performance & Capacity Management!

Hope you are having fun with the vROps Webinar Series and learning in the process!! If you have not reviewed the old sessions then you should go ahead and check out this page where you have all the recordings in one place. 

With the next installment of this series, we have a new speaker who will entertain us :-) He is no stranger to the world of vRealize Operations Manager and has written a couple of books on vROps as well. I am referring to Iwan Rahabok who has been my partner in crime on all the vROps related work which we do, inside VMware or with the community. 

During this session we will help you understand a few basic concepts of using the right counters to monitor performance and capacity in your infrastructure. We will deep dive into the concept of the consumer and the provider layer and help you with solving issues which you might face as a provider of infrastructure to your business.

So come, join us and have some fun along with learning new things!!!

Day & Date          : Friday, 22nd Apr 2016

Time                     : 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM  (SGT)

Event                    : vROps Webinar 2016

Topic                    : Part 4 : Contention Based Performance & Capacity Management!

Speakers               : Simon Eady / Sunny Dua / Iwan Rahabok

WebEx Link          : Join WebEx meeting 

Save Calendar       : Click to Download & Save Invite

NOTE - Don't forget to mark your calendars by saving the calendar invite!! Feel free to forward the invite to anyone who might be interested. It's open to all!!

Sharing & Spread the Knowledge!!

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