
Thursday, July 21, 2016

VMworld Session : Agile : The Scrum Master for your Software Defined Datacenter! - 7780

I am extremely excited to share that my VMworld session 7780 : Agile : The Scrum Master for your Software Defined Datacenter has been accepted for VMworld US. For the past one year, I have worked in customer environments where the life-cycle management of SDDC has been the primary focus.

During this time, I have interacted with multiple customer teams who have been using different tools and processes to build and manage the life-cycle of the Software Defined Datacenter (SDDC). With this session, I wanted to team up with someone who is extremely knowledgeable in this area and has not only used the Agile frameworks for SDDC, but also for software development in his past work life. I am glad to share that I am partnering with Pritam Wadhwani to deliver this session. Pritam is one of the early adopters of Agile frameworks for Infrastructure Management and Development of new services within a SDDC environment. He has vast experience of software development in his previous work-life which balances the act of applying the principles of software development into infrastructure management.

With this session, we will share some of our experiences with the audience at VMworld for them to be successful in their journey towards the deployment of Software Defined Datacenter. We will not stop at deployment, but would also talk about the day 2 operations (life-cycle management) use cases.

So if you are showing up at VMworld US, do sign up for this session as soon as the content catalog is LIVE.

Here are the details of the session:

Session Title - Agile : The Scrum Master for your Software Defined Datacenter!

Type - Breakout Session

Session Abstract -

You virtualized the SERVERS to reduce Capex & Opex in your data-centers. You virtualized the STORAGE to make it Inexpensive but remain High Performance. You virtualized the NETWORK to make it Simple yet Secured.

Guess What? You have embraced the power of a Software Defined Datacenter!

While VMware allows you to build your infrastructure in the software tier, it is important that you quickly learn how to manage the life-cycle of this Software Defined Infrastructure & the Services it has to offer. When the world of Software Development is moving towards Agile Frameworks, it only makes sense to leverage the same to help Deploy, Run & Scale your Software Defined Datacenter. Alongside life-cycle management of the various components of SDDC, Agile frameworks can also help IT build & deliver various services tailored to the requirements of business needs.

This methodology of managing IT infrastructure as a piece of software code is no longer a distant dream. Concepts such as DevOps are clearly trying to deliver the missing development piece in the current operational structures of organizations. Frameworks like Agile with methodologies such as Scrum, DSDM, XP etc. make it possible for you to maximize your investments in SDDC.  

Session Outline

The purpose of this session is to help organizations learn about managing the life-cycle of their Software Defined Datacenter using Agile Frameworks.

The focus of the speakers would be on the following areas:

  • Provide an overview of the Agile Frameworks.
  • Share real-world scenarios on how Agile helps manage the life-cycle of a Software Defined Datacenter.
  • Enhance existing and built new IT services on top of Software Defined Datacenter
  • Share sample Kanban dashboards which can help track your journey into the world of Software Defined Services

With the above learnings, any organization would be able to maximize their investments in SDDC and ensure that they can make progress towards delivering Anything as a Service (XaaS).

KT 1 – Learn about Agile Frameworks and how they can help a DevOps team manage and enhance the Software Defined Services Portfolio of an Organization

KT 2 – How to release new features against specific business requirements on a SDDC Platform

KT 3 – Learn about Scrum methodology to manage the life-cycle of SDDC and provide visibility into the progress using Kanban Boards

See you at VMworld!!!


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  2. hello Sir ,

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