
Friday, October 28, 2016

vROps Webinar Series 2016 - Part 10 - A Deep Dive into vROps API

Time to publish the recording for the 10th episode of vROps Webinar Series. This time around we spoke about vRealize Operations Manager Resful API and how to use it. Post 20 minutes of slide-ware, I jumped into the lab and thanks to the demo god, we demonstrated a number of use cases and browsed through the documentation to make it easier for you to consume and use the same.

So without further ado, here is the recording for this session:

Note : It is recommended that you watch the video in HD quality for a great experience.

Friday, October 21, 2016

vROps Webinar 2016 - Announcing Part 10 : A Deep Dive into vROps API

The month has been extremely busy but we still want to continue with the momentum of webinar series getting to the business end of the year. This time around we will talk about vRealize Operations Manager API. API is your friend if you are trying to automate things which you would normally do on GUI. While GUI is a favorite of most, the geeks prefer the API since that helps them to programatically initiate tasks and go out for a coffee. By the time they are back from the LONG coffee break, the work is done :-)

This session would help you understand the API framework of vROps and as always we would jump into the lab to run a couple of scenarios which we would want to access through API and Geek Out!!

So without further a do, save the date in your calendars and join use for the next episode of vRealize Operations Webinar Series 2016.

Day & Date          : Friday, 28th October 2016

Time                     : 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM  (SGT)

Event                    : vROps Webinar 2016

Topic                     : Part 10 : A Deep Dive into vROps API

Speakers               : Simon Eady / Sunny Dua

WebEx Link          : Join WebEx Meeting

NOTE - Don't forget to mark your calendars by saving the Date!! Feel free to forward the invite to anyone who might be interested. It's open to all!!

Sharing & Spread the Knowledge!!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Did You Know #5:Customizing Summary Pages on vRealize Operations Manager!

With this article of the Did You Know series, I wanted to share a GEM of a feature using which can enhance your user experience and user interface of vRealize Operations Manager. If you have used vRealize Operations Manager, you will notice that the product has summary pages for each object type. For instance if you are on vSphere World Object, you would see a Summary Page which looks like this:

In-fact, if you click on any other object types such as vCenter, Datacenter, Clusters, Hosts etc. you would see a similar summary page showing the Health, Risk & Efficiency of the Object Type which you have selected. The Health, Risk & Efficiency badges on this page are colored based on the Alerts triggered on the Object type which you have selected on the navigation pane in the left.

While this view is useful to summarize the alert status, this might not be the default page which you want to see when you select an object type. If that is the case, vRealize Operations Manager provides you the option to change this default summary page to the dashboard of your choice (I have seen this feature on vROps 6.2 and 6.3). In my opinion this is a super cool feature as now yo can create your own summary pages using vROps Custom Dashboards and then use them as default summary pages (only applicable to license editions where you can create custom dashboards)

Here is how you do it:

Create a custom dashboard for the object type which you want to chose as the summary page beforehand.

1- Login to vRealize Operations Manager using Administrative Privileges. (preferably admin account).

2- Click on Content -> Dashboards -> Blue Wheel Icon -> Manage Summary Dashboards

3- Click on the drop-down to select the Adapter Type under which you want to select an Object Type for which you want to change the summary page.

4- In my case I want to change the Home Page for the vSphere World and hence I will select the vCenter Adapter, which will list all the object types under that adapter.

5- We will select the vSphere World from this list and click on the gauge shaped icon to Assign a Dashboard for this Object Type.

6- Once I click on that icon, I will get a list of all the dashboards I have in my vROps instance. I will go ahead and select the dashboard which I wish to chose, in this case I will select the Workload Utilization dashboard and click on OK to save the changes.

6- Let's go back to vSphere World and see how the summary page looks like after this change. Click on Environment -> vSphere Hosts and Clusters -> vSphere World.

You can now see a completely different home page than what you usually see. 

This will help you enhance your instances of vROps with you self customized dashboards and help you jazz up your deployment with personalized views at each object level..

Hope this helps with day to day data-center operations using vRealize Operations Manager.

Stay tuned for more goodies!!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Did You Know #4 - Restricting Virtual Machine Collection on vROps!!

Welcome back to the part 4 of the did you know series on vRealize Operations Manager. This series is all about small nuggets on vRealize Operations Manager, which can help you with day to day IT operations in your Software Defined Datacenter.

With this article, I wanted to make you aware of a setting which allows you to filter out virtual machine objects from collection in vRealize Operations Manager. While this was always possible by using a collection user with limited rights on objects in vCenter, this feature is natively available with vROps 6.1 and beyond.

With this option, you can limit the number of virtual machines from collection on a vCenter Adapter. In my case, I used this option to disable collection of Virtual Machine Object completely. This would mean that I would only collect data from the remaining objects which is vCenter Server Object, Datacenter Object, ESXi Hosts, Datastores etc. So basically everything except the VM objects. The use cases for this deployment model are following:-

I- Infrastructure Monitoring - In this case the IAAS provider just wants to leverage vROps for monitoring the underlying infrastructure and have no responsibility of monitoring the VMs

II- Centralized Dash-boarding & Reporting for large scale deployment - Another use case is to have a centralized vROps with reporting and dash-boarding capabilities, especially large scale deployments. In cases where an organization has multiple sites across the globe, they might not want a centralized vROps instance to avoid traffic flowing across the globe. While they would want to monitor individual sites with a full fledged vROps deployment, they might want to collect infrastructure level data into a centralized vROps for reporting purposes.

Please Note: It is recommended that you DO NOT disable VM Object collection without understanding the full impact of this change. While this will give you scalability, it will not bring VM Data which might be used for calculating metrics at Host or Cluster level. Please use this only for specific uses cases and preferably in a development environment to understand the full impact, before rolling out in production.

I am sure there would be other uses cases which could be solved with this feature. Here is where you can set it up:

In case of an EXISTING deployment:

1- Login to vROps with administrative privileges (preferably admin account) 

2- Click on Administration -> Solutions

3- Click on the VMware vSphere 

4- Select the Adapter Instance where you want to change under the "VMware vSphere Solution Details" and click on the wheel shaped Configure Icon.

5- Expand the advanced settings of the adapter. Here you will see an option of "Maximum Number of Virtual Machines Collected"  with a default value of "2000000000". This is the virtual machine count you can collect with this adapter instance.

6- To disable VM collection completely, change this value to "0" (ZERO)

7- Click on Save Settings to save the new setting.

In case of a NEW deployment:

The steps to be followed in case of a new deployment will be exactly the same. You would define this number at the time of configuring the adapter instance for the first time.

Hope this helps with day to day data-center operations using vRealize Operations Manager.

Stay tuned for more goodies!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Did You Know #3 - Using Wait Cycles for Time Based Alerts in vROps!

In this part of the "Did You Know" series, I will provide you a tip, using which you can create time based alerts in vROps. I am happy to share that this was an output of a brainstorming session with a customer and at the end of the discussion the customer himself proposed this solution and I was immediately testing the idea in my lab with successful results.

The use case for the time based alert in our situation was to create an alert which would trigger if a virtual machine is running on a snapshot for more than 24 hours and if the snapshot space on that virtual machine is more than 0 GB.

The challenge with this requirement is around the time factor. Different workloads can have different impact of running on snapshots. For instance a web server running on a snapshot might not be impacted much from a performance standpoint, however an Oracle database VM running on a virtual disk snapshot would definitely not be a happy camper at the time it's running database transactions. Just to be clear, we are discussing vSphere snapshots here and not any other snapshot technologies. With vROps, there is no metric today which tracks the snapshot on the basis of time. While there are metrics which define the age of the snapshot, using these metrics for alerts become impossible, as for each snapshot a new directory is created, under which a snapshot drive is created and it increments in size. As soon as you delete this snapshot and take a new one on vCenter, vROps creates a new directory for this new snapshot and hence it is difficult to track hundreds of directories which keep changing, specially in an environment where snapshots are heavily used.

In order to overcome this situation, we will create a new alert. If you are new to Alerts in vROps, I would highly recommend that you watch this episode of my yearly long Webinar Series to get well equipped about vROps Alerts and Symptoms.

We will start by creating a new symptom & an alert definition:

1- Login to vROps with credentials having rights to create new Alerts/Symptoms (admin credential would be nice).

2- Click on Content -> Symptom Definitions. You will be under the metric/property symptom definitions category by default.

3- Click on the sign to add a new Symptom.

4- Here is how you will define the new symptom. Refer to the screenshot for more details:

  • Base Object Type : Virtual Machine
  • Metric Name : Disk Space|Snapshot|Virtual Machine Used (GB)

5- Double click on this metric to add it to the right pane where we will describe this symptom.

6- Here is how will you provide the details:

  • Static Threshold
  • Symptom Definition Name : Virtual Machine is running on a snapshot for more than 24 hours
  • Critical
  • Condition : When Metric is > 0 (This is the size of the snapshot)
  • Advanced : Wait Cycle - 288 (Each cycle is 5 minutes, hence the total minutes we will check for this condition is 1440 minutes which is 24 hours)
  • Advanced : Cancel Cycle - 1 (Once the condition is false, the alert will be cancelled in 5 minutes)

7-  Click on Save to save this symptom. Once done we will create a new alert using this symptom.

8- Click on Content -> Alert Definitions. Click on the sign to add a new Alert and provide the following details:

"1. Name & Description"

Name - Virtual Machine is running on a snapshot for more than 24 hours
Description - This alert will trigger when a virtual machine is running on a snapshot for more than 24 hours.

"2. Base Object Type"

Virtual Machine

"3. Alert Impact"

"4. Add Symptom Definitions"

Symptom Name : Virtual Machine is running on a snapshot for more than 24 hours

"5. Add Recommendations"

Add any recommendations from the available list or create your own.

9- Click on Save. This will create a new alert definition and this alert will be enabled on the default policy by default.

Please note that the Wait Cycle will start counting as soon as you create this alert definition, hence this alert will take atleast 24 hours to trigger. If you have VMs with snapshots (more than 24 hours old) in your environment, don't expect the alert to trigger immediately. The countdown to 24 hours will begin when you enable the alert in the policy.

You can see that we used a Time Based symptom to solve a key problem which emerges and could lead to a number of issues in a virtual environment. Hope this will give you ideas on  how you can create more time based alerts using metric based symptoms.

Hope this helps with day to day datacenter operations using vRealize Operations Manager.

Stay tuned for more goodies!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Did You Know #2 - Leveraging vROps Remote Collectors for Local Adapters!

In this part of the "Did You Know" series, I will talk about a small architectural tip which will not only help you enhance the performance of your vRealize Operations Manager cluster, it will also save you from up-sizing the cluster from let's say, medium to large nodes and at the end of the day save a ton of CPU & Memory in the process.

Did you know that vRealize Operations Manager uses Remote Collectors for collecting data from a Remote Datacenter and send it over to the centralized vROps cluster. The diagram below shows the actual purpose for which a remote collector was introduced in vRealize Operations Manager:

In the above example, we have a vROps Cluster in Site A. This cluster consists of 2 or more nodes which have a local collector module on them. This collector module collects the data from the local data sources, which are also known as adapter instances. Some examples of an adapter instances would be vCenter Adapter, NSX Adapter, MPSD (management pack for Storage Devices) etc.

The Nodes of the cluster here have multiple roles to play. They not only collect the data from the data sources, they also have to crunch this data using the analytics engine, calculate dynamic thresholds, run the capacity engine and host all the data through the CASA and Web UI. 

On the other hand in Site B, we have a remote collector group with 2 or more remote collectors (in a HA mode). Their role is to collect the data from the Site B data sources using the Collector framework on each node and send that data over to the centralized cluster in Site A. The Remote Collectors are small form factor of the vROps appliances which are stateless and the only role thy have is to collect data. Here are a few facts which make them great for playing the role of a collector from a sizing standpoint.

The come in 2 form factors ***: 

SMALL: 2 vCPU / 4 GB RAM. A small RC can collect 1500 Objects (an object can be a VM, Datastore, ESXi Host, LUN, etc) and upto 600,000 metrics. (1 VM usually creates around 250 metrics).

LARGE: 4 vCPU / 16 GB RAM. A small RC can collect 12000 Objects and up-to 3,500,000 metrics.

We all know that the main cluster nodes of vROps can also do collection and as per the sizing guidelines, a medium node can collect up to 7000 Objects, while a large cluster node which is 16 vCPU / 48 GB of ram can also collect up to 12000 Objects.

***Reference VMware KB -


Now imagine a scenario, where you have a 4 Medium Node cluster with 4 node in Site A. You have a vCenter Adapter instance which has more than 7000 Objects (5000 VMs, 2000 Datastores, 200 ESXI Hosts etc). In such a situation, in order to collect data from this vCenter Adapter instance, you would have to up size your cluster node to a large node. Since vROps cluster nodes have to be symmetrical, you would have to up-size all your cluster nodes to LARGE NODES. In this situation you would have to invest on 32 vCPU (8 per cluster node to reach 16 vCPUs) and 64 GB of RAM (16 per node to reach 48 GB per cluster node). This in most cases is a huge change since you would have to ensure you have enough resources in the under lying cluster. In some cases you might also go beyond the NUMA boundary which we all know has some performance impact from a CPU standpoint.

With all these concerns in place, it would an excellent opportunity to leverage the Remote Collectors in the local Site A as well. While the name says REMOTE, it is not necessary that remote collectors are deployed only on remote sites. They can also be utilized in a local site to collect data from adapter instances which can be large in size. Taken our example into consideration, we would just need 2 Remote Collectors ( 2 for high availability, in case one fails) to collect from the Site A vCenter. These 2 appliances will only cost as 8 vCPUs and 32 GB of RAM in total). This will reduce the resource requirements by more than half and also ensure that your cluster nodes have no pressure on collector and hence all that CPU and RAM can be utilized by the other roles on the vROps nodes which will eventually give better performance.

So here would be the new architecture with Remote Collectors Everywhere!!!

With this model, we have better performance, more scale and less hardware requirement for deploying large vROps Deployments. Another important thing to note is that you can always migrate from Design 1 to Design 2 or from Design 2 to Design 1 without any downtime or data loss. Hence if you are on the way to scale the environments being monitored by vROps, this tech tip would be very useful for you.

Hope this helps with day to day datacenter operations using vRealize Operations Manager.

Stay tuned for more goodies!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Did You Know #1 - Controlling Alerts Storms During Maintenance with vROps!

Welcome to a new series of "Did You Know" Facts about vRealize Operations Manager! With this series, I will help unearth the Best Kept Secrets of vRealize Operations Manager. 

This could be across, features, functionalities, use cases, integrations, APIs or any tips or tricks which can help make day to day operations of Software Defined Datacenter easier and fun with vRealize Operations Manager!

In this first part of the series, we will look at a generic activity of maintenance which is applicable to every datacenter. In most environments activities like patching, power cycle, upgrades, hardware replacements etc are conducted during change windows. While all these activities are important, it is also important that you use the Maintenance Schedules or Maintenance options on vRealize Operations manager to disable any activity on objects which are under any kind of maintenance. This will help you ensure that you do not trigger any FALSE alerts which you might have configured on that object type.

For instance, if you have an alert which would trigger when a virtual machine is powered off, you should ensure that you put virtual machines in maintenance if you are planning to shut them down due to a scheduled downtime for activities such as patching, migrations, hardware version upgrades etc.

To do this follow the steps mentioned below. Do note that you should be on vROps 6.x or above to make use of these steps:

The GUI way:

1- Login to vRealize Operations Manager instance using credentials with permission to perform maintenance activities. Use admin if you do not have a strict Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

2- Click on Administration -> Inventory Explorer

3- On the top right corner of this page, search for the Object which you want to put in maintenance, in my case I want to upgrade my SQL server from SQL 2008 to SQL 2012, hence I will search for this VM.

4- Once I see the Virtual Machine in the List, I just need to select the same and click on the Maintenance Icon:

5- You will see pop-up which you can use to enter the details of maintenance window on this object. You have the option of either entering the maintenance in minutes or an end date.

That's it. This will ensure that the concerned object is in maintenance and I will not get any alerts for the same when I reboot.

In case you choose the first option to end the maintenance manually, please ensure that you do the same, as soon as you are done with the change you were implementing. You would need to come back to inventory explorer, search for the Virtual Machine, select the Virtual Machine name, and click on End Maintenance as shown below:

The API way:

For the cool kids out there, you can also do this programatically by using the vRealize Operations Manager API. Here are the API details, along with JSON and XML sample requests which can be used to build a script or a workflow and you can put one or multiple Objects into maintenance easily. You can use the API calls to end the maintenance as well.

To access the API documentation, you will need to access the following URL:


Hope this helps with day to day datacenter operations using vRealize Operations Manager.

Stay tuned for more goodies!