Blogging is a SCIENCE and not an ART according to me. It is the chemistry of your BRAIN, EXPERIENCES & KNOWLEDGE. When I started, I was not sure about how & where to begin. However, with this page, I want to ensure that anyone who wants to share his knowledge and experience can join vXpress as a GUEST BLOGGER and begin his/her journey as a PRO BLOGGER on Virtualization, Cloud Computing and other related topics.
So if you are one of them & want to join vXpress as a Guest Blogger, just reach out by filling the form here.
Here is the list of the current Guest Bloggers at vXpress:-
Anand Vaneswaran is a
Senior Technology Consultant with the End User Computing group at VMware. He is an expert in VMware View, ThinApp, vCenter Operations Manager, and
vCenter Operations Manager for View. Outside of technology, his hobbies
include film-making and sports.
Anand's Contributions:
Sourabhs's Contributions: